Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Burkina Faso and Benin.

Met up with the Mali 2cv club this week! They have 300 members and some amazing cars ranging from immaculate to questionable. These guys really are super mechanics. The 2cv specialist in Mali deserves an award for his welding and part improvised repair techniques. Retro fitted lense mountings and window latches being my favorite.

Am now five days away from finishing the driving part of my month long trip. Have nearly made it and wow, all I can say is it’s definitely a very long way with 400km to 700 km a day on bad roads and tracks is hard work. Crossed Burkina Faso yesterday with the best tarmac roads in weeks with hardly any pot hole! Appears to be lots of foreign support here with wells and new construction everywhere. During our one day crossing we were very pleased to see an original 2cv ‘Africar’ jeep kit car in great condition. Unfortunately the owner was nowhere to be seen, but took lots of pictures. The car was surprisingly based on a 60’s 2cv with early door latches, drive shafts and dash board!

The beginning of Benin was started with driving through one of the largest wildlife parks in Benin. Movements very slow due to elephants making a mess of the track in the rainy season. Most of us took turns looking out for animals from the top of the 2cv’s. Lots of unusual birds, deer, apes, hippos, crocodiles and even an elephant were spotted.

Weather still high between 30 and 40, humid jungle heat and smells now. Car is still behaving herself with only a split drive shaft gaiter and another flat tire. We treated her to a new oil change yesterday, hoping this will help her make it to the end with no problems.

Benin again

After the safari park two days were spent trying to spot a termite hill from the top of the car, with no success. We also adopted a meet and greet 2cv couple from Holland who followed us in our quest to complete our final assignments. This included trying to fit as many local people in our 2cv as possible. We did this by visiting a local school, the end count was 24 children. Unfortunately someone succeeded in 40, god knows how! Our final bush camp was spent in tropical jungle surroundings and is where DJ had an unforgettable jungle birthday evening. Thanks Jane and Miguel!

Voodoo evening and official arrival at Benin beach, beautiful pirate themed hotel. Turtles on the beach

Last drive marina hotel, 1000 people final party night. Sorting of very dusty car tomorrow, fly home at midnight (25th).

Final mileage count 9500km!

More uploaded pictures upon return when I have faster internet access.

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Eleanor and the Africa 2cv

Eleanor and the Africa 2cv